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Italiens hav taler:Ingen turister eller både betyder renere vand

På dette billede taget torsdag, 21. maj kl. 2020, Italienske Lazio -regionens miljøagenturbiolog Salvatore De Bonis viser, hvordan de udfører test på havvand under et interview med The Associated Press på en kystvagtbåd ud for Fiumicino, nær Rom. Foreløbige resultater fra en undersøgelse af havvandskvaliteten under Italiens coronavirus -lockdown indikerer en kraftig reduktion af forurening fra mennesker og husdyraffald i havene ud for Rom. Myndighederne understregede, at det var for tidligt at give lockdown -eneren æren for ændringen. (AP Photo/Domenico Stinellis)

Forurening fra menneskeligt og landbrugsaffald, der spildes i havet ud for Rom, er faldet 30% under Italiens coronalås, foreløbige resultater fra en landsdækkende undersøgelse af havvandskvalitet indikerer.

Myndighederne understregede, at det var for tidligt at give lockouten den eneste kredit for ændringen, siger, at skiftende havstrømme og begrænset nedbør i april og maj også kunne have været ansvarlig for reduceret afstrømning af husdyr- og gødningsaffald.

Men Marco Lupo, generaldirektør for Lazio -regionens miljøagentur, antog, at fordampning af turisme fra marts kunne have reduceret mængden af ​​spildevand produceret af de 30 millioner turister, der normalt besøger Rom hvert år.

Ud over, lockdown betød, at italienerne ikke kunne strømme til deres feriehuse ved havet, som de normalt ville om foråret, et fænomen, der typisk overvælder lokale vandrensningsanlæg og resulterer i øgede forurenende stoffer, der spytter i havet, Sagde Lupo.

"Dette år, kystbyer har været meget mindre befolkede, faldende (menneskeskabt forurening) byrde "på vandet, sagde han til Associated Press.

Der er ingen indikation af, at havene vil forblive renere, da lockdown slutter, og enhver forureningsreduktion kan være midlertidig.

På dette billede taget torsdag, 21. maj kl. 2020, Italienske Lazio -regionens miljøagenturbiologer Salvatore De Bonis, ret, og Valentina Amorosi viser, hvordan de udfører test på havvand under et interview med The Associated Press på en kystvagtbåd ud for Fiumicino, nær Rom. Foreløbige resultater fra en undersøgelse af havvandskvaliteten under Italiens coronavirus -lockdown indikerer en kraftig reduktion af forurening fra mennesker og husdyraffald i havene ud for Rom. Myndighederne understregede, at det var for tidligt at give lockdown -eneren æren for ændringen. (AP Photo/Domenico Stinellis)

Men forskere rundt om i verden har dokumenteret nogle bemærkelsesværdige økologiske ændringer som følge af rejser, industriproduktion i mange lande går i stå, og folk bliver hjemme. Luftforurening er nede i nogle af verdens smoggiest byer, mens dyreliv som coyoter og orner er set i byområder.

Ud for Italiens kyster, som er populære og lejlighedsvis forurenet, der er synlige effekter af lockdown. Med den normalt travle Napolibugt fri for lystbåde, fragt- og krydstogtskibe, delfiner normalt kun set langt ude i Middelhavet flok tæt på kysten. Maneter er blevet set i de tomme kanaler i Venedig.

Under lockouten, fiskere trækker større træk end normalt ud af Roms vigtigste industrihavn ved Civitavecchia. I april, for eksempel, fiskere trak 60 ind, 000 kg (132, 277 pund) fisk sammenlignet med 52, 000 kg (114, 640 pund) i samme måned sidste år.

På dette billede taget torsdag, 21. maj kl. 2020, Marco Lupo, generaldirektør for Lazio -regionens miljøagentur taler til italienske kystvagters biologer i Fiumicino, nær Rom. "Dette år, kystbyer har været meget mindre befolkede, faldende den antropiske byrde "på havet, Lupo sagde ". Foreløbige resultater fra en undersøgelse af havvandskvaliteten under Italiens coronavirus -lockdown indikerer en kraftig reduktion af forurening fra menneskeligt og husdyraffald i havene ud for Rom. Myndighederne understregede, at det var for tidligt at give lockdown alene æren for ændringen. ( AP Photo/Domenico Stinellis)

Roberto Arciprete, en havbiolog med Civitavecchias lokale fiskekooperativ, antog, at den kraftige reduktion i søtrafikken havde resulteret i, at flere fisk svømmede tættere på kysten.

Miljøminister Sergio Costa bemærkede, at coronakrisen, mens det er tragisk i betragtning af tabet af liv, tilbudt en hidtil uset mulighed for at lave et "fotografi" af Italiens hav. Costa on April 15 tasked the Coast Guard and other law enforcement agencies to work with regional environmental authorities to take water samples and monitor and assess changes in the seas off Italy's 8, 000 kilometers (4, 971 miles) of coastline.

The results will provide data and a baseline from which the country can reboot industrial production sustainably and create "a new normal that we know is absolutely necessary, " han sagde.

  • In this picture taken on Thursday, 21. maj kl. 2020, Admiral Vincenzo Leone, head of the Lazio region Coast Guard, speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in Fiumicino, near Rome. "This is a unique moment, that we hope will never happen again. In this moment most of the productive activities in the coastal towns and villages, stopped. The sea had something to tell us, we have listened to it and we are checking". Preliminary results from a survey of seawater quality during Italy's coronavirus lockdown indicate a sharp reduction in pollution from human and livestock waste in the seas off Rome. (AP Photo/Domenico Stinellis)

  • In this picture taken on Thursday, 21. maj kl. 2020, Italian Lazio region's environmental agency biologists Salvatore De Bonis, ret, and Valentina Amorosi show how they perform tests on sea water during an interview with The Associated Press on a Coast Guard boat off Fiumicino, near Rome. Preliminary results from a survey of seawater quality during Italy's coronavirus lockdown indicate a sharp reduction in pollution from human and livestock waste in the seas off Rome. Authorities stressed it was too soon to give the lockdown sole credit for the change. (AP Photo/Domenico Stinellis)

  • In this picture taken on Thursday, 21. maj kl. 2020, Italian Lazio region's environmental agency biologists Salvatore De Bonis, ret, and Valentina Amorosi show how they perform tests on sea water during an interview with The Associated Press on a Coast Guard boat off Fiumicino, near Rome. Preliminary results from a survey of seawater quality during Italy's coronavirus lockdown indicate a sharp reduction in pollution from human and livestock waste in the seas off Rome. Authorities stressed it was too soon to give the lockdown sole credit for the change. (AP Photo/Domenico Stinellis)

  • In this picture taken on Thursday, 21. maj kl. 2020, Italian Coast Guard's biologists show how they perform tests on sea water in a mobile lab during an interview with The Associated Press in Fiumicino, near Rome. Preliminary results from a survey of seawater quality during Italy's coronavirus lockdown indicate a sharp reduction in pollution from human and livestock waste in the seas off Rome. Authorities stressed it was too soon to give the lockdown sole credit for the change. (AP Photo/Domenico Stinellis)

  • In this picture taken on Thursday, 21. maj kl. 2020, Italian Coast Guard's biologists show how they perform tests on sea water in a mobile lab during an interview with The Associated Press in Fiumicino, near Rome. Preliminary results from a survey of seawater quality during Italy's coronavirus lockdown indicate a sharp reduction in pollution from human and livestock waste in the seas off Rome. Authorities stressed it was too soon to give the lockdown sole credit for the change. (AP Photo/Domenico Stinellis)

  • In this picture taken on Thursday, 21. maj kl. 2020, Italian Coast Guard's biologists show how they perform tests on sea water in a mobile lab during an interview with The Associated Press in Fiumicino, near Rome. Preliminary results from a survey of seawater quality during Italy's coronavirus lockdown indicate a sharp reduction in pollution from human and livestock waste in the seas off Rome. Authorities stressed it was too soon to give the lockdown sole credit for the change. (AP Photo/Domenico Stinellis)

  • In this photo taken on Sunday May 3, 2020, a view of the town of Vico Equense overlooking the Gulf of Naples, Italien. Preliminary results from a survey of seawater quality during Italy's coronavirus lockdown indicate a sharp reduction in pollution from human and livestock waste in the seas off Rome. Authorities stressed it was too soon to give the lockdown sole credit for the change. They say shifting sea currents and limited rainfall in April and May also could have reduced runoff from agriculture. (AP Photo/Paolo Santalucia)

  • In this photo taken on Sunday May 3, 2020, a buoy floats in the Gulf of Naples, Italien. Preliminary results from a survey of seawater quality during Italy's coronavirus lockdown indicate a sharp reduction in pollution from human and livestock waste in the seas off Rome. Authorities stressed it was too soon to give the lockdown sole credit for the change. They say shifting sea currents and limited rainfall in April and May also could have reduced runoff from agriculture. (AP Photo/Paolo Santalucia)

"This can give us a point of departure, actually a point of re-departure, " he said in a statement. "This photograph will become the point of reference for the future controls of the seas, lakes and rivers, so that nature and our country can be better cared for."

Coast Guard Adm. Vincenzo Leone, who is responsible for the Lazio region, said it was appropriate to seize the moment to determine if an elimination of tourism and boating had a measurable effect on water quality. He described the sampling underway as a "blood test of the sea."

"There is only one sea and we must protect it, " he said. "So when the sea talks to us, we have to listen to it."

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