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Who disproved the Rutherford model of atom?

It's not accurate to say that anyone "disproved" the Rutherford model of the atom. Instead, the Rutherford model was refined and expanded upon by subsequent discoveries.

Her er hvorfor:

* Rutherford's Model: Rutherford's model, proposed in 1911, was a revolutionary step forward. It established that atoms have a dense, positively charged nucleus with electrons orbiting around it. This was a significant departure from the earlier "plum pudding" model.

* Begrænsninger: The Rutherford model, however, had some limitations:

* It couldn't explain why electrons didn't spiral into the nucleus due to electromagnetic forces.

* It couldn't account for the line spectra observed in atomic emissions.

* Bohr Model: Niels Bohr's model, proposed in 1913, addressed these limitations by introducing the concept of quantized energy levels for electrons. Bohrs model oplyste, at elektroner kun kunne eksistere i specifikke kredsløb, hver med et fast energiniveau, og at de kunne hoppe mellem disse niveauer ved at absorbere eller udsende fotoner.

* Quantum Mechanics: The Bohr model was a significant improvement, but it too had its limitations. The development of quantum mechanics in the 1920s provided a much more comprehensive and accurate description of atomic structure and behavior.


* Rutherford's model laid the foundation for our understanding of atomic structure.

* Bohr's model refined it by incorporating quantization of energy levels.

* Quantum mechanics provided a more complete and accurate model.

Therefore, it's more accurate to say that later scientific discoveries built upon and expanded the Rutherford model rather than "disproving" it.

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