En helikopter falder retardant på Silverado-branden ud for Santiago Canyon Road, hvor hård vind har forårsaget problemer mandag, 26. okt. 2020, i Irvine, Californien (Mindy Schauer/The Orange County Register via AP)
En hurtigt bevægende naturbrand tvang evakueringsordrer til 70, 000 mennesker og alvorligt sårede to brandmænd i det sydlige Californien i mandags, da kraftige vinde på tværs af staten fik strømmen til at blive afbrudt til hundredtusindvis for at forhindre brugsudstyr i at udløse nye flammer.
Den røgfyldte brand eksploderede i størrelse til over 6 kvadrat miles (16 kvadratkilometer) inden for et par timer efter at have brød ud omkring daggry i Orange County, syd for Los Angeles. Kraftige vindstød skød flammer langs børstede højdedrag i Silverado Canyon og nær huse i den vidtstrakte by Irvine, hjem til omkring 280, 000 beboere. Der var ingen indeslutning.
To brandmænd, den ene 26 og den anden 31 år gammel, blev alvorligt såret under kampen mod ilden, ifølge amtets brandvæsen. som ikke gav detaljer om, hvordan skaderne opstod. De pådrog sig hver især anden- og tredjegradsforbrændinger over store dele af deres kroppe og blev intuberet på et hospital, sagde embedsmænd.
Kelsey Brewer og hendes tre værelseskammerater besluttede at forlade deres rækkehus, før evakueringsordren kom. Spørgsmålet var, hvor de skulle hen i pandemien. De besluttede sig for hjemmet til hendes kærestes mor, som har god plads og bor alene.
"Vi talte bogstaveligt talt om det i morges, " Brewer sagde, tilføjer, at hun føler sig heldig at have et sikkert sted at tage hen. "Vi kan kun forestille os, hvor skruet alle andre føler sig. Der er ingen steder, du kan gå hen for at føle dig sikker."
En mand forlader sit hjem under en obligatorisk brandevakuering, da røgen fra Silverado-branden fylder luften, Mandag, 26. okt. 2020, i Irvine, Californien (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)
Vandfaldende helikoptere blev kortvarigt sat på grund, fordi den stærke vind gjorde det usikkert at flyve. Embedsmænd kendte ikke umiddelbart årsagen til branden, en af flere, der brød ud i hele regionen, inklusive en anden i Orange County, der udløste evakueringsordrer nær byen Yorba Linda.
Omkring 355, 000 strømkunder - anslået til omkring 1 million mennesker - var i mørke i den nordlige del af staten, da embedsmænd udsendte advarsler om, hvad der kunne være den stærkeste vind i Californien i år.
Brandslukningsmandskab, der havde været klar natten over, indeholdt hurtigt små flammer, der brød ud søndag i det nordlige Californiens Sonoma og Shasta amter. Årsagerne var under undersøgelse.
Nord for San Francisco, en Mount St. Helena vejrstation registrerede et vindstød af orkanstyrke på 89 mph (143 km/t) sent søndag og vedvarende vind på 76 mph (122 km/t). Nogle Sierra Nevada-toppe registrerede vindstød langt over 100 mph (161 mph).
Et vejskilt advarer bilister om ekstrem brandfare på Grizzly Peak Boulevard, i Oakland, Californien, Søndag, 25. okt. 2020. På grund af kraftig vind og tørre forhold vil PG&E slukke for strømmen til over 361, 000 kunder i 36 amter for at beskytte dem mod mulige naturbrande forårsaget af nedbrudte elledninger. National Weather Service forudsiger fralandsvind fra nord, der topper i højere højder op til 70 mph. (Jose Carlos Fajardo/Bay Area News Group via AP)
"Slukningen forhindrede sandsynligvis farlige brande i nat. Det er næsten umuligt at forestille sig, at vinde af denne størrelsesorden ikke ville have udløst store brande i de forløbne år, "Daniel Swain, en klimaforsker ved UCLA og National Center for Atmospheric Research, sagde på Twitter.
Vinden var aftaget en smule mandag, men nåede stadig 60 mph (97 km/t), og de stærke vinde og tørre forhold forventedes at råde over tirsdag. En anden omgang kraftige vindstød forventes at feje gennem de samme områder mandag aften, det nationale vejrtjeneste advarede. Embedsmænd forlængede en advarsel om ekstrem brandfare med rødt flag til kl. tirsdag for regionens østlige og nordlige bjergområder.
Forskere har sagt, at klimaændringer har gjort Californien meget tørrere, hvilket betyder, at træer og andre planter er mere brandfarlige. Oktober og november er traditionelt de værste måneder for brande, men allerede i år 8, 600 skovbrande i staten har brændt rekord på 6, 400 kvadrat miles (16, 600 kvadratkilometer) og ødelagde omkring 9, 200 boliger, virksomheder og andre bygninger. Der har været 31 dødsfald.
Orchard Hills beboer Ruby Johnson tager billeder og værdigenstande med hende, da hun og hendes mand gør sig klar til at forlade Irvine, Californien, under en obligatorisk brandevakuering, Mandag, 26. okt. 2020, på grund af den nærliggende Silverado-løbebrand. (Mindy Schauer/The Orange County Register via AP)
Elektricitetsnedlukningerne markerede femte gang i år, at Pacific Gas &Electric, nationens største forsyningsvirksomhed, har afbrudt strømmen til kunderne for at mindske risikoen for nedbrudte eller tilsmudsede elledninger eller andet udstyr, der kan antænde flammer i knogletørt vejr og kraftig vind.
Værktøjet slukkede for strømmen til omkring 355, 000 kunder i 34 amter i det nordlige Californien, men sagde, at forbedrede vejrforhold gør det muligt at forhindre strømafbrydelse i to andre amter i det centrale Californien.
"Denne begivenhed er langt den største, vi har oplevet i år, det mest ekstreme vejr, " sagde Aaron Johnson, forsyningsselskabets vicepræsident for naturbrandsikkerhed og offentligt engagement. "Vi forsøger at finde måder at gøre begivenhederne mindre vanskelige."
Forholdene kunne svare til dem under ødelæggende brande i Californiens vinland i 2017 og sidste års Kincade Fire, der ødelagde Sonoma County nord for San Francisco i oktober sidste år, sagde National Weather Service. Brandmyndigheder sagde, at PG&E transmissionsledninger udløste den brand, som ødelagde hundredvis af hjem og forårsagede næsten 100, 000 mennesker på flugt.
I denne udsigt fra Newport Boulevard i North Tustin, morgensolen står op gennem røgen af ild i kløfterne øst for North Tustin på mandag, 26. okt. 2020. Firefighters were aggressively battling a vegetation fire that broke out in the hills near Silverado in Orange County as strong wind gusts pushed it. (Mark Rightmire/The Orange County Register via AP)
Extreme fire danger moved into Southern California late Sunday following cooler temperatures and patchy drizzle over the weekend. A peak north of Los Angeles recorded a gust of 97 mph (156 kph).
Southern California Edison cut off power to about 20, 000 customers Monday, mostly in San Bernardino County to the east of Los Angeles. The utility said it was considering preventative safety outages for about another 115, 000 customers in six counties later in the day.
Los Angeles County officials urged residents to sign up for emergency evacuation notices and to be prepared to stay with family or friends in less risky areas. Local fire officials boosted staffing as a precaution.
Winds of up to 35 mph (56 kph) in lower elevations and more than 70 mph (113 kph) in mountainous areas were reported in Southern California, sagde National Weather Service. Officials were worried that any spark could turn into flames sweeping through tinder-dry brush and forestland.
One light is all that is on at the local Starbucks on Mountain Blvd in the Montclair neighborhood after the power has been shut off due to high winds in Oakland, Californien, på søndag, 25. okt. 2020. (Jose Carlos Fajardo/Bay Area News Group via AP)
In this image from video provided by KNBC-TV, smoke and flames from the Silverado fire threatens areas near Irvine, Californien, Mandag, 26. okt. 2020. The fast-moving wildfire has forced evacuations for 60, 000 people in Southern California as powerful winds across the state prompted power to be cut to hundreds of thousands to prevent utility equipment from sparking new blazes. (KNBC-TV via AP
A PG&E lineman works on repairing electrical wires that were touching due to high winds on Manzanita Court in Concord, Californien, på søndag, 25. okt. 2020. The power in the neighborhood had to be turned off while repairs were made. Due to high winds and dry conditions PG&E will turn off the power to over 361, 000 customers in 36 counties to protect them from possible wildfires caused by downed power lines. The National Weather Service predicts offshore winds from the north peaking at higher elevations up to 70 mph. (Jose Carlos Fajardo/Bay Area News Group via AP)
Traffic moves steadily on the Bay Bridge as the Bay Area braces for possible high winds as seen from Grizzly Peak Boulevard in Oakland, Californien, Søndag, 25. okt. 2020. Due to high winds and dry conditions PG&E will turn off the power to over 361, 000 customers in 36 counties to protect them from possible wildfires caused by downed power lines. The National Weather Service predicts offshore winds from the north peaking at higher elevations up to 70 mph. (Jose Carlos Fajardo/Bay Area News Group via AP)
A PG&E lineman works on repairing electrical wires that were touching due to high winds on Manzanita Court in Concord, Californien, på søndag, 25. okt. 2020. The power in the neighborhood had to be turned off while repairs were made. Due to high winds and dry conditions PG&E will turn off the power to over 361, 000 customers in 36 counties to protect them from possible wildfires caused by downed power lines. The National Weather Service predicts offshore winds from the north peaking at higher elevations up to 70 mph. (Jose Carlos Fajardo/Bay Area News Group via AP)
A PG&E lineman works on repairing electrical wires that were touching due to high winds on Manzanita Court in Concord, Californien, på søndag, 25. okt. 2020. The power in the neighborhood had to be turned off while repairs were made. Due to high winds and dry conditions PG&E will turn off the power to over 361, 000 customers in 36 counties to protect them from possible wildfires caused by downed power lines. The National Weather Service predicts offshore winds from the north peaking at higher elevations up to 70 mph. (Jose Carlos Fajardo/Bay Area News Group via AP)
Debris flies through the air as a PG&E lineman works on repairing electrical wires that were touching due to high winds on Manzanita Court in Concord, Californien, på søndag, 25. okt. 2020. The power in the neighborhood had to be turned off while repairs were made. Due to high winds and dry conditions PG&E will turn off the power to over 361, 000 customers in 36 counties to protect them from possible wildfires caused by downed power lines. The National Weather Service predicts offshore winds from the north peaking at higher elevations up to 70 mph. (Jose Carlos Fajardo/Bay Area News Group via AP)
A boy rides his bike past the fire danger meter showing extreme fire danger in front of the Moraga-Orinda Fire District Station 41 in Moraga, Californien, Søndag, 25. okt. 2020. Due to high winds and dry conditions PG&E will turn off the power to over 361, 000 customers in 36 counties to protect them from possible wildfires caused by downed power lines. The National Weather Service predicts offshore winds from the north peaking at higher elevations up to 70 mph. (Jose Carlos Fajardo/Bay Area News Group via AP)
Police and firefighters are out in full force on Jeffrey and Portola in Irvine, Californien, where smoke fills the sky from the wind-driven Silverado wildfire on Monday, 26. okt. 2020. (Mindy Schauer/The Orange County Register via AP)
A vehicle drives up Mountain Blvd. in the Montclair neighborhood after the power has been shut off due to high winds in Oakland, Californien, Søndag, 25. okt. 2020. (Jose Carlos Fajardo/Bay Area News Group via AP)/Bay Area News Group via AP)
A firefighter braves gusty winds as heavy smoke from the Silverado Fire fills the air, Mandag, 26. okt. 2020, in Irvine, Calif. A fast-moving wildfire forced evacuation orders for 60, 000 people in Southern California on Monday as powerful winds across the state prompted power to be cut to hundreds of thousands to prevent utility equipment from sparking new blazes. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)
An SUV is parked in the evacuated residential area filled with heavy smoke from the Silverado Fire Monday, 26. okt. 2020, in Irvine, Calif. A fast-moving wildfire forced evacuation orders for 60, 000 people in Southern California on Monday as powerful winds across the state prompted power to be cut to hundreds of thousands to prevent utility equipment from sparking new blazes. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)
Many of this year's devastating fires were started by thousands of dry lightning strikes, but some remain under investigation for potential electrical causes. While the biggest fires in California have been fully or significantly contained, more than 5, 000 firefighters remain committed to 20 blazes, state fire officials said.
Utility officials said the planned outages are a safety measure and understood they burden residents, especially with many people working from home and their children taking classes online because of the coronavirus pandemic.
Sheriff Kory Honea of Northern California's Butte County, where a 2018 blaze decimated the town of Paradise and killed 84 people, said he's concerned about residents in foothill communities during the blackouts because cellular service can be spotty and it's the only way many stay informed when the power is out.
"It is quite a strain on them to have to go through these over and over and over again, " han sagde.
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