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Vulkan bryder ud nær Manila; landsbyboere flygter, lufthavne lukket

Folk ser på, hvordan Taal -vulkanen bryder ud søndag den 12. januar, 2020, i Tagaytay, Cavite -provinsen, uden for Manila, Filippinerne. En lille vulkan nær den filippinske hovedstad, der tiltrækker mange turister for sine maleriske omgivelser i en sø, der støbte damp, aske og sten i en kæmpe fjerdedag søndag, får tusinder af beboere til at flygte og embedsmænd til midlertidigt at afbryde flyvninger. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)

En lille vulkan nær den filippinske hovedstad, der tiltrækker turister for sine maleriske omgivelser i en sø, brød ud med en massiv aske og damp søndag, hvilket fik titusinder af mennesker til at evakuere og tvinge Manilas internationale lufthavn til at lukke ned.

Det filippinske institut for vulkanologi og seismologi sagde, at Taal -vulkanen i Batangas -provinsen syd for Manila sprængte damp, aske og småsten op til 10 til 15 kilometer (6 til 9 miles) ind i himlen i en dramatisk eskalering af dens voksende restivitet, som begyndte sidste år.

Vulkanologisk institut hævede fareniveauet omkring Taal tre hak søndag til niveau 4, angiver "et farligt udbrud kan ske inden for timer eller dage, "sagde Renato Solidum, der leder vulkanologisk institut. Niveau 5, den højeste, betyder, at et farligt udbrud er i gang og kan påvirke et større område.

Der var ingen umiddelbare meldinger om kvæstelser eller skader, men myndighederne kæmpede for at evakuere mere end 6, 000 landsbyboere fra en ø midt i en sø, hvor vulkanen ligger, og titusinder mere fra nærliggende kystbyer, sagde embedsmænd. Omkring 300, 000 mennesker blev målrettet mod at blive flyttet til sikkerhed i Batangas natten over og i de næste par dage.

"Vi har spurgt folk i områder med høj risiko, herunder vulkanøen, at evakuere nu forud for et muligt farligt udbrud, ”Sagde Solidum.

Folk ser på, hvordan Taal -vulkanen udspyder aske og røg under et udbrud i Tagaytay, Cavite -provinsen syd for Manila, Filippinerne søndag. 12. januar, 2020. En lille vulkan nær den filippinske hovedstad, der tiltrækker mange turister for sine maleriske omgivelser i en sø, der støbte damp, aske og sten i en kæmpe fjerdedag søndag, får tusinder af beboere til at flygte og embedsmænd til midlertidigt at afbryde flyvninger. (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)

Renelyn Bautista, en 38-årig husmor, der var blandt tusinder af beboere, der flygtede fra Batangas-provinsens laurbærby, sagde, at hun tog en tur i sikkerhed fra sit hjem med sine to børn, herunder en 4 måneder gammel baby, efter at Taal brød ud og jorden rystede let.

"Vi evakuerede i al hast, da luften blev mudret på grund af asken, og det begyndte at lugte som krudt, "Sagde Bautista telefonisk.

Faldt aske dækkede landingsbanerne i Manilas internationale lufthavn søndag aften. Alle afgangs- og ankomne internationale og indenrigsflyvninger blev suspenderet "på grund af vulkansk aske i nærheden af ​​lufthavnen" og nærliggende luftruter, sagde den civile luftfartsmyndighed i Filippinerne.

Taal ligger omkring 60 kilometer syd for Manila.

Luftfartstjenestemænd beordrede også lukning af Clark International Airport nord for hovedstaden, efter der faldt aske i området. Myndighederne sagde, at de overvejede at omdirigere flyvninger til upåvirkede lufthavne uden for Manila.

Taal -vulkanen spytter aske og røg under et udbrud set fra Cavite -provinsen, syd for Manila, Filippinerne søndag. 12. januar, 2020. (Jogs Danao/AP Photo)

Norske Tonny Roger, der havde fløjet til Filippinerne for at besøge sin kone, sagde, at han ikke var glad for, at hans fly tilbage til Norge blev aflyst, men han tænkte på den lyse side.

"Godt, Jeg kan se hende mere. Jeg vil vende tilbage til hende nu, " he told The Associated Press at Manila's international airport.

The volcanology institute reminded the public that the small island where the volcano lies is a "permanent danger zone, " although fishing villages have existed there for years. It asked nearby coastal communities "to take precautionary measures and be vigilant of possible lake water disturbances related to the ongoing unrest."

Heavy to light ashfall was reported in towns and cities several kilometers (miles) from the volcano, and officials advised residents to stay indoors and don masks and goggles for safety. Motorists were hampered by poor visibility, which was worsened by rainy weather.

  • Plumes of smoke and ash rise from as Taal Volcano erupts Sunday Jan. 12, 2020, in Tagaytay, Cavite province, outside Manila, Philippines (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)

  • People watch plumes of smoke and ash rise from as Taal Volcano erupts Sunday Jan. 12, 2020, in Tagaytay, Cavite province, outside Manila, Philippines (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)

  • People watch as Taal Volcano erupts Sunday Jan. 12, 2020, in Tagaytay, Cavite province, outside Manila, Philippines. A tiny volcano near the Philippine capital that draws many tourists for its picturesque setting in a lake belched steam, ash and rocks in a huge plume Sunday, prompting thousands of residents to flee and officials to temporarily suspend flights. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)

  • Taal Volcano spews ash as it erupts Sunday Jan. 12, 2020, in Tagaytay, Cavite province, outside Manila, Philippines. A tiny volcano near the Philippine capital that draws many tourists for its picturesque setting in a lake belched steam, ash and rocks in a huge plume Sunday, prompting thousands of residents to flee and officials to temporarily suspend flights. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)

  • A resident prepares to evacuate as Taal Volcano erupts, Sunday Jan. 12, 2020, in Tagaytay, Cavite province, outside Manila, Philippines. A tiny volcano near the Philippine capital that draws many tourists for its picturesque setting in a lake belched steam, ash and rocks in a huge plume Sunday, prompting thousands of residents to flee and officials to temporarily suspend flights. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)

  • Lightning strikes beside the ash cloud as Taal Volcano erupts Sunday Jan. 12, 2020, in Tagaytay, Cavite province, outside Manila, Philippines. A tiny volcano near the Philippine capital that draws many tourists for its picturesque setting in a lake belched steam, ash and rocks in a huge plume Sunday, prompting thousands of residents to flee and officials to temporarily suspend flights. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)

  • Lightning flashes as Taal Volcano erupts Sunday Jan. 12, 2020, in Tagaytay, Cavite province, outside Manila, Philippines. A tiny volcano near the Philippine capital that draws many tourists for its picturesque setting in a lake belched steam, ash and rocks in a huge plume Sunday, prompting thousands of residents to flee and officials to temporarily suspend flights. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)

  • Residents evacuate as Taal Volcano erupts Sunday Jan. 12, 2020, in Tagaytay, Cavite province, outside Manila, Philippines. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)

  • Residents evacuate as Taal Volcano erupts Sunday Jan. 12, 2020, in Tagaytay, Cavite province, outside Manila, Philippines. A tiny volcano near the Philippine capital that draws many tourists for its picturesque setting in a lake belched steam, ash and rocks in a huge plume Sunday, prompting thousands of residents to flee and officials to temporarily suspend flights. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)

  • Residents evacuate as Taal Volcano erupts Sunday Jan. 12, 2020, in Tagaytay, Cavite province, outside Manila, Philippines. A tiny volcano near the Philippine capital that draws many tourists for its picturesque setting in a lake belched steam, ash and rocks in a huge plume Sunday, prompting thousands of residents to flee and officials to temporarily suspend flights. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)

Hotels, shopping malls and restaurants line an upland road along a ridge overlooking the lake and the volcano in Tagaytay city, a key tourism area that could be affected by a major eruption.

Authorities recorded a swarm of earthquakes, some of them felt with rumbling sounds, and a slight inflation of portions of the 1, 020-foot (311-meter) volcano ahead of Sunday's steam-driven explosion, officials said.

Classes in a wide swath of towns and cities were suspended Monday, including in Manila, to avoid health risks posed by the ashfall.

One of the world's smallest volcanoes, Taal is among two dozen active volcanoes in the Philippines, which lies along the so-called Pacific "Ring of Fire, " a seismically active region that is prone to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

About 20 typhoons and other major storms each year also lash the Philippines, which lies between the Pacific and the South China Sea, making it one of the world's most disaster-prone countries.

© 2020 Associated Press. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes.

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